Inverse Laplace transform
- 网络拉普拉斯逆变换;拉普拉斯反变换

Based on the nodal admittance matrix of faulty transmission line in complex frequency domain , this paper applies another numerical inverse Laplace transform ( NILT ) to analyze the voltage response at the ends of transmission line .
Base on inverse Laplace transform theory , author derived calculating method of a kind of inverse Chirp Z-transform .
The solutions in time domain is established by the inverse Laplace transform .
More effective method of F. Durbin is applied to realize inverse Laplace transform .
Numerical Methods of Abel Inversion Numerical results in time domain are obtained by Durbin 's inverse Laplace transform .
In the numerical calculation of electromagnetic transient response , the G S transform method is used frequently for inverse Laplace transform .
And then to get the required eigenfunctions by apply the expansions of series and inverse Laplace transform .
These operators are represented as a Laplace transform and a subsequent inverse Laplace transform of suitable functionals .
Solution is presented in inverse Laplace transform . Some characters of one dimensional nonlinear consolidation of saturated soft clay under cyclic loads are explored .
The Taylor approximation is employed in the frequency domain , then a set of recursive formulas is derived by the inverse Laplace transform .
By using Durbin 's inverse Laplace transform method , the dynamic stress intensity factor in Laplace transform domain is transformed into the result in time domain .
The transformed domain solutions of the governing equations can be got through numerical method and the time domain solutions can be obtained by the inverse Laplace transform .
Model of fractional convection-dispersion of concentration distribution in groundwater pollution system is given . An analytical solution to the above problem is obtained by using fractional calculus theory and the discrete inverse Laplace transform method .
At last , by using the inverse Laplace transform over the time domain , combined with exponential difference plan , the FDTD iterative equation in discrete time-domain which are easy to solve can be obtained .
The quasi-static behaviors of the viscoelastic Timoshenko beam with two sides of the beam are simply supported , and under step loading are analyzed by using Laplace transformation and the numerical inverse Laplace transform .
The regression equations of model parameters are derived from Inverse Laplace transform of transfer function and sampled data of step response . The ordinary least squares or the instrumental variable method are applied to direct identification of model parameters .
An analytical solution , represented by Hankle functions , is obtained by Laplace transform technique . Some numerical results are given by the inverse Laplace transform in the neighborhood of a circular and an elliptic cavity .
The viscoelastic relaxation moduli in time domain are obtained by the inverse Laplace transform of the curve-fitted formulae . The method takes advantage of rational curve-fitted formulae and avoids complicated numerical inverse Laplace transform .
The transfer function was derived from the matrix function of axialy moving strings . Then the inverse Laplace transform , with the residue theorem , was employed to calculate the time domain response from the frequency domain response .
Using the coupled mode theory , the coupling equations of the two symmetry waveguides with LPWGs have been derived and solved by Laplace Transform Inverse Laplace Transform method . The solutions give out the output light power and the coupling coefficient of the two symmetry waveguides .
Vanishing for t < 0 . By using the complex contour integral inverse and discretization inverse of Laplace transform and the theories of Fox H functions , the solutions suitable for calculating large t and small t are given .